The Arts are Alive

I’m a Washington girl who has fallen in love with downtown New Haven. I remember thinking that New Haven was just a town to fill up in on your way out to Hermann. I remember thinking that they seem to produce pretty good basketball teams out there. I never thought – oh yeah….Downtown New Haven. MAN that place rocks. But times change.

New Haven has a rich history. It’s a small town, just under 2,000. But small towns aren’t new around here. Neither are river towns, but there is something special about New Haven. It lacks the polished charm of Washington and the rich German feel of Hermann, but it has this energy of a place just about to wake up. It’s never hectic, but there is always something going on. It’s a place where you can see friendly faces you know, but has something new around every corner. It’s a place where people can be as eccentric or simplistic as they want to be. It’s a place a lot of like-minded people have decided to be themselves.

New Haven embraces itself like no town I’ve seen. It’s not trying to be trendy or commercial. It’s just trying to do things differently. It embraces people who want to spend extra time making something the right way. It encourages you to take the hard way, because that’s the better way. It doesn’t put on airs or feel like it has to dress up. It still feels like a small town doing things the way small towns do them.

I look forward to using this blog to showcase the fine people and artisans of the New Haven arts districts. I hope that you find Downtown New Haven to be a everything that I know it to be. I hope that I’ll see you down there watching the glass blowers, drinking some fine spirits or catching a movie at The Walt. I hope this sleepy river town becomes all the things I know it can be. The new arts haven in the area.



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